PR55-34 Basic Configuration Via PR55-17A

@Bhaskar just wanted to check that ALL sensors on this mesh network would use the same COM channel - including a RS485 wireless converter?

yes that is correct.

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I see there is a potential to update the firmware. What do you recommend?

@Bhaskar we were able to configure both wireless-to-ethernet modems via XCTU last night.

  1. SM Sleep Mode settings were confirmed to be “No Sleep [0]”
  2. ID Network PAN ID was confirmed to be same on all devices: “7FFF”
  3. EE AES Encryption Enable was confirmed to be “Enabled”
  4. KY Encryption Key was blank. It is now set to 55AA55AA55AA55AA55AA55AA55AA55AA

However the situation has not improved.


  1. How do we confirm the Gateway settings as above? It has an outgoing USB-A port. Am I supposed to connect this with a special male-male cable to connect to a PC?
  2. We observed that in msg.payload a “MAC_modem” MAC address. Is this the device that the wireless sensor is first connecting to?
  3. Are we configuring these wireless-to-ethernet modems as simple mesh repeaters? If so, wouldn’t they ignore the ethernet connection?
  4. If they are using the ethernet connection, wouldn’t we configure each wireless-to-ethernet modem to listen on different ports than the COM1 port of the gateway?

Also can you confirm baud rate for the modems to talk to each other?

firmware update is no necessary.
if you are getting sensor data then gateway and sensor do have correct settings.

The Ethernet modem baudrate does not need to be changed.

can you share screenshots of all the settings ?

here ya go - these are from the two wireless-to-ethernet modems

The ENY key should be 55AA55AA55AA55AA55AA55AA55AA55AA

Also go to serial terminal in xctu and open port.

do you see any packets in the frame log section ( data will only show up when sensor sends it so you might have to wait for a bit)

I can only do this at night as factory is on other side of the world. If there are a few steps to do at once, please let me know.

that should be it. if you are getting the data in serial terminal it means all the settings are good and this device is also repeating the data.

update from tonight’s session

  1. we loaded the modem back into USB mode only to find our encryption key was deleted.
  2. after adding it back, we do not see the frames log as you show.

I have the software on and running remotely. can you join me on a zoom to help confirm these settings?

did you open the port ? by looking at the picture looks like its not open.

oops I misunderstood the graphic and followed your screenshot

so now we can see that this device is getting data and radio is set a router. it should be repeating the data as well.

ok great. So now why do you think the KY AES Encryption Key was deleted when it was powered off?

power cycle wont delete the keys. You wont see the key when you power cycle because that will be security violation.

so after I power cycle and reload this into XCTU you would expect this field to be blank?

yes that is expected. this way nonone who has radio module can read eny key and hijack entire network.

ok that makes sense, but that means I am in a circular loop of debugging:

  1. I updated my encryption key and I got reporting through Ethernet
  2. I then had my modem and gateway switch physical places and then nothing worked.
  3. if my encryption key was correct, then there must be another issue?

Also would love your thoughts from questions above.