Unable to install new Pallets on LTE Cellular Ethernet WiFi IoT Edge Computer

I am trying to install OPCUA(node-red-contrib-opcua) and SQLSERVER (node-red-contrib-mssql-plus) pallets on LTE Cellular Ethernet WiFi IoT Edge Computer.
. But the installation is unsuccessful.
I tried both from UI and also from the command line.

Is there any restriction on this device?


This gateway only supports a lite version of node red.
I will recommend this gateway


One other thing you can try is updating Node-Red to the latest version supported. You can do that by opening the terminal to the IoT Edge Computer then enter the following commands:

opkg update

opkg upgrade onion-node-red

After that reboot the IoT Edge Computer and attempt installing the library again. If that does not work then you will need to upgrade to the Enterprise IIoT Gateway.

I will try this.


It didn’t work. I will deploy with MQTT option but we will see how we can get the other device Anil has recommended.
