Unable to connect to Edge Computer using serial port


I am trying to update a gateway following the instructions for step 6 here: LTE Cellular Ethernet WiFi IoT Edge Computer - NCD.io
However, my laptop is unable to detect the edge computer when it is plugged in.

My laptop is running Windows 11 64 bit. The edge computer powers on while plugged into the laptop. The laptop device manager shows COM3 with code 45 stating ‘Currently, this hardware device is not connected to the computer’. This laptop only has 1 USB port. I tried with two separate laptops (same model) and I tried connecting to two separate gateways but was still unable to connect. I tried connecting with windows powershell and then puTTY but they were both unable to connect.

Is this something that can be resolved with software or is it just incompatible with the laptop? Any help is appreciated.

can you share a screenshot of the device manager ?

I was able to connect and update the gateway using a mac so this has been resolved, thanks.