I have a wireless ethernet modem and some impact sensors deployed at a remote location. The modem says “Ready”, however no metrics are coming in. I noticed the modem refused connection in the nodered logs (below). I have tried to recreate the node / TCP connection to the modem multiple times as well as power cycle the device. Thoughts?
Additional question, this modem is at a remote location however I have access to ssh. Is there a way I can remote power cycle the modem or change settings without being on site?
The Ethernet modem doesn’t have a reboot functionality.
This seems like a duplicate comms config. Can you check your configuration nodes for a duplicate ncd-config-node? You can view all config nodes using the menu in the top right (three horizontal lines > configuration nodes. Then look for a section labeled “ncd-gateway-config”.
If you have duplicate config nodes then you will need to delete one and make sure all the nodes are assigned to the remaining config.
You can use the command “pm2 restart all” from ssh to restart node-red. You can also use an inject node into an exec node in node-red to accomplish this.