P82B715TD Power Question

So, I got the P82B715TD to handle moving a rotation sensor away from a raspberry pi. I see on the P82B715TD there are power inputs on both sides. Are those required, or only if power is too low for the devices? And the cord between them only need three wires based on the inputs? Does the input power have to be a specific voltage (if it is required?) https://media.ncd.io/sites/2/20170721134551/P82B715TD_I2CBH_TRX.pdf Shows 12 volt but on the product page it says 7.5v to 35v (https://store.ncd.io/product/p82b715td-long-distance-i2c-bus-extender-i2c-mini-module/) which is correct? Ideally I’d like to use my 24 volt power supply. If I do need power on the far end, could I just use a 4th wire and pass the voltage that way? Or will that affect the signal?


Yes, it will need the power supply on both ends.
Yes, you can use it with 24VDC.
Yes, you can use 4 wire and share same power supply.
