Not receiving transmissions from devices

I am trying configure a handful of devices we recently received and out of the 2 devices I have attempted to configure so far, I have been unsuccessful. I am configuring with Digi XCTU as I have had trouble getting Alpha Station to work reliably in the past.

I have a PR55-17A USB modem and so far have attempted to configure a PR55-44 RTD sensor and a PR55-3 Thermocouple sensor, both of which don’t appear to be communicating. The modem as well as devices have the same network and encyption key settings set via XCTU. I have ensured multiple times that I write those settings to the device:


I then toggle this switch to the on position and see the LED with the red arrow flash twice. Just to make sure, I also tried switching it to the other position as well to test if that was actually the on position.

I waited a couple of hours and saw no frames in XCTU.

I tested one of our other devices we had ordered a few years ago (PR52-33A) that I configured in XCTU as well. I am seeing frames being received from that device.

i wont recommend use of XCTU for cfg.
what the modem radio settings?

The same settings as in that screenshot. I tried using Alpha Station for this configuration batch as well, and the device would never show up after I supposedly put it in config mode.

can you share a picture of the sensor radio module and modem radio module ?

i am assuming the modem has the ncd default settings.
can you load this profile in the modem radio

and factory reset the sensor

Is there a file to load to set the sensor to factory defaults as well? Or is there a button combination to do so?

gen 1 sensor factory reset
press release Reset button
immediately press and hold cfg button for 20sec
release cfg button
wait for 3 sec
press and release reset button

When attempting to load that profile, I am getting this message in XCTU:


we should schedule a call.

Is there an email address I could contact you at to setup a time to call?

I sent you meeting invite your email

antenna was not connected.