I’m using a relay board using COM ports (RS232), the board is functioning properly as I can get the relays to flip but the board is not sending the expected response back and I’m getting a timeout error. I’m using LabVIEW 2018 and have had this board for at least 10years. The drivers we have say the expected response is “85” but I’m getting nothing. How do I determine what the root cause is?
Which Relay controller do you have? Can you provide photos of how it is connected?
Thank you,
Travis Elliott
Hi, my controller is the R2410PROXR with the serial com adapter board. I can’t show a photo due to company policy buy I can show this drawing snippet.
I have hooked up a direct cable from this board to the PC and I works, meaning the relays actually flip, but not response back. Also wanted to say that we have been using the relay board successfully for over 10 years now without issue, but all of the sudden this starts happening.
On the RSIO adapter board there are two pins labeled shared GND. Is there a jumper installed there? The RS 232 and Power supply GND must be shared to enable two way communication.
I’m looking into that now but might take a while as I’m not in the lab today. Can you send a picture of what you’re talking about, this jumper install.
Hi, sorry for the late response. I got tied up with other work and then got sick. Anyway, we do have a solder joint jumping those two pins together, see photo.
@mikepngc, Yes. It looks like two way communication should be enabled based on that shared ground solder bridge.
I’m not sure why this would have worked previously but not now. I do not think there is anything wrong with the relay controller however. I have never seen one go into a state where it receives commands but does not respond due to damage/failure. I would highly encourage you to check the Rx/Tx lines from that DB9 connector. I’m wondering if damage occurred on the wiring between there and the PC.
@TravisE_NCD_Technica Thanks for the response. We already tried that by disconnecting the test set DB9 connector located at J13 in the image and replacing with this a standard 9 pin extension cable. We go the same response, the relay board responds and flips its relays but no expected response from the board. Is it possible to replace just the COM relay daughter board with a new one to see if that is the issue?
My suggestion would be to return the board for RMA so we can take a look at it. I doubt it’s the RSIO DB9 interface board. That’s a very simple device. The more likely cause is the PIC processor on the board but it’s hard to say for sure.
You can fill out an RMA here: