New Standalone Industrial Vibration Temperature Sensor

How are we supposed to see the settings of these new sensors and configure them? On your website it says that they do not work with Alpha Station and that node-red is recommended. I have downloaded node-red and cannot seem to get ‘ncd-red-wireless’ to install. I did some more research and found an article explaining that LabVIEW can be used to change the sensor parameters, but I’ve installed LabVIEW and don’t see how it would be capable of changing the preamble ID or delay time of the sensors. I have also tried using XCTU Digi which did not work. What software do we have to install in order to configure the sensors and what are the steps to do so?


If you’re installing Node-Red on a local machine you should install the ncd-red-wireless-2 library. You can use these commands from the command line to do so on a standard installation:
cd ~/.node-red
npm install ncd-red-wireless-2

Once you have this library installed you can run Node-Red using the command:

Once node red is running you can enter this url into your browser:

Once you see this web interface you can use this video as a guide:

few other things

  1. you don’t need to open the enclosure to put in cfg mode
  2. this supports the FLY cfg mode as well. which means you can change setting remotely anytime.

How are we supposed to get the sensors and Gateway (I have a MQTT) connected and talking? In node-red it seems that the Wireless Gateway node is being used interchangeably for the Modem or Gateway. Does that mean that node can either be a Gateway or Modem depending on how we set it up? In the past I have used XCTU Digi to get the sensors and Gateway configured on the same channel. What is the process to do that now? Because XCTU doesn’t seem to be working, and I can’t find the sensors on it.

I’m assuming these new sensors are similar to older models, which means they can be configured to be on separate channels and need a Gateway (not Modem) to send back data to. I was under the impression that the Modem was only used in the configuration process.

I watched the node-red videos on your yt channel, but I didn’t see anything about how to get the sensors and Gateway talking. Am I supposed to be using node-red or XCTU to allow for this?

If the sensor and gateway have the same radio frequency, they will talk to each other out of the box.
You will need to update your MQTT gateway firmware.

In case you are using the modem. You can use it with node-red; it should have this sensor type.