Please can I have the list of the LEDs messages ?
My devices (2) continuing to be white blinking.
Thank you
A flashing White LED indicates the Micro Gateway is attempting to establish connection to the WiFi network it is configured for. If it fails to connect for a long duration you should confirm:
- The SSID of the network it is attempting to connect is valid.
- The wifi network password is correct.
- The Gateway is within range of this WiFi access point.
- The WiFi network is 2.4ghz, not 5 ghz.
Thank you,
Travis Elliott
Thank you for your reply but in case of white blink i am able to see that device in nw device list and dhcp enable got correct ip.
But white led continue to blink.
I noticed also that sometimes device blink green for 2 sec and after white blink and repeat.
And at the same time got ip and present in my ip / mac address device list.
Do u have one complete list of led messages in order to allow me to check ??
HI Travis.
I am sure of all checks are ok. but gateway continue to be not ok in some cases i see blinking white and in another case ( different wifi )
I see green for 3 sec more less and blinking white also and repeats.
This happens on 2 gateway firmware updated.
Another ( 3drd) gateway not updated with the same configuration and the same wi fi show green fixed green light and runs perfectly.
The firmware version is listed at the bottom of the configuration web interface. Can you tell me the firmware version of the 2 units with problems and the firmware version of the 1 unit that is working?
Also are the devices with blinking white LED reporting data to AWS? I’m wondering if the LED flashing code is just not correct.
LED flashing sequences:
Steady Red flash - cannot communicate with XBee wireless interface module
3 Red Flash - Cannot communicate with AWS MQTT Broker
Yellow Flash - Booting
White Flashing - Attempting connection to WiFi Access Point
Blue Flashing - Gateway is in Setup Mode
Solid Green - Connected to Broker.