MQTT Temp & Humidity sensor - Not booting after firmware downgrade

We had issues with PR58-1_MQTT always falling back to DHCP. We found here that it was a known issue and to upgrade the firmware. We updated to 1.0.4 to get the latest which did not solve the problem. I then tried to get bac kto 1.0.2 which in the Repo had the resultion in the PR. I was able to downgrade the firmware but got a crash during the upload of the spiff file.

Now, the device has a red blinking status and no way to connect to its wifi, or on our wifi. I tried to get into the COM port but i dont have the files to inject in it.

Seems like its pretty dead to me.

If i hold the reset button - Nothing

If i do the power cycle with the CFG button i see a half blue half RED LED but then goes back to a flashing RED LED.

Please help.

If the SPIFFS upload failed then the SPIFFS file would need to be uploaded manually over the USB connection. That’s a bit complex. Do you want me to attempt providing instructions on how to upload SPIFFS over USB or do you simply want to send it in for RMA?

If you can send me the instructions that would be amazing, then I’ll send it over if it fails.

Many thanks!

Ok. Here’s the steps:

You’ll need to install this driver to mount the board to your computer:

Next you’ll need download esptools:

Then you’ll need to run this from the command line:

python -p COMX -b 460800 --before default_reset --after hard_reset --chip esp32 write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_size detect --flash_freq 40m , 2691072, spiffs.bin

You may need to replace python with python3 depending on what is currently installed. Also COMX should be replaced with the COM port the module mounts to on the OS such as COM1, COM2, etc.

Seems like it did something, now i have the blue LED and red LED lit up. After 5 minutes went back to red flash…

PS C:\Users\frebla\Downloads\WiFi_MQTT_Temperature_Firmware-main\WiFi_MQTT_Temperature_Firmware-main\v1.0.2> python -m esptool -p COM4 -b 460800 --before default_reset --after hard_reset --chip esp32 write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_size detect --flash_freq 40m 0x290000 spiffs.bin v4.7.0
Serial port COM4
Chip is ESP32-D0WD (revision v1.1)
Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core, 240MHz, VRef calibration in efuse, Coding Scheme None
Crystal is 40MHz
MAC: 40:91:51:e0:ab:dc
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Changing baud rate to 460800
Configuring flash size...
Auto-detected Flash size: 8MB
Flash will be erased from 0x00290000 to 0x003fffff...
Compressed 1507328 bytes to 19912...
Wrote 1507328 bytes (19912 compressed) at 0x00290000 in 8.5 seconds (effective 1424.6 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.

Hard resetting via RTS pin...

What happens if you press the CFG button? Does the LED flash Blue and allow you to connect to it directly over WiFi?

The LED turns off then goes back to flashing red …

@TravisE_NCD_Technica I have the same issue with this sensor. I was able to push the spiffs via USB:

python3 -m esptool -p /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART -b 460800 --before default_reset --after hard_reset --chip esp32 write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_size detect --flash_freq 40m 2691072 spiffs.bin v4.7.0
Serial port /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART
Chip is ESP32-D0WD (revision v1.0)
Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core, 240MHz, VRef calibration in efuse, Coding Scheme None
Crystal is 40MHz
MAC: c4:4f:33:5b:4d:ed
Uploading stub…
Running stub…
Stub running…
Changing baud rate to 460800
Configuring flash size…
Auto-detected Flash size: 4MB
Flash will be erased from 0x00291000 to 0x003f0fff…
Compressed 1441792 bytes to 20080…
Wrote 1441792 bytes (20080 compressed) at 0x00291000 in 7.5 seconds (effective 1533.4 kbit/s)…
Hash of data verified.

Hard resetting via RTS pin…

but light next to cfg still flashes red and pwr light is still solid red. I also tried to downgrade to 1.0.4 firmware, then spiffs, with no avail. Any thoughts?

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If you press and release the CFG mode the LED does not begin flashing Blue after a few seconds?

it flashes blue for a a few secs, then goes back to red. i ended up using the flash-script-master i found in another thread and reflashed both the firmware and the spiffs. that got me back to working.

Great. Please let us know if you need anything else.