KFX Key Fob Communications Module - pin layout

What is the pin layout of the KFX Key Fob Communications Module?
I would like to know which pins are RX, TX, GND and power

KFX follows the same pinout as shown in the article below:

Hi Ryan, FYI there is ar error in the pin layout that you sent me a link to
the pinout diagram table shows PIN 2 = TX and PIN 3 = RX
that is incorrect
PIN 2 = RX and PIN 3 = TX is correct
the circuit picture lower in the article also shows the correct pinout, PIN 2 = RX and PIN 3 = TX

Pin 2 is the TX (transmit) pin, which should be connected to the RX (receive) pin.
Pin 3 is the RX (receive) pin, which should be connected to the TX (transmit) pin.

ok, that makes sense Bhaskar
so the pin layout diagram and the circuit picture of the xBee S2C - RF module are both correct after all
I was just reading it incorrectly
Thanks Bhaskar