Hello NCD support, how to wire the counter IO with the timer relay dry contact through isolated Normally Open (NO) output?
I tried the M12 with pin 3 to NO (relay) and Pin 1 to Common (C relay) but no count.
Can you please give a diagram to detect the counts?
Hi @rhettmark Sure, just to confirm, the counter sensor sends data in two cases:
- When the pulse count reaches a defined threshold.
- At a fixed interval, regardless of the count.
Did you set the Input Debounce Time on the sensor?
Thank you,
Eduardo M.
Hello @Eduardo_Mtz ,
Before I will answer your query, I just want to know if my input wiring is correct?
M12 Connector:
Pin 3 → Tmr Relay (N.O) dry contact
Pin 1 & Pin 5 → Tmr Relay (Common)
is this correct?
- When the pulse count reaches a defined threshold
- I used the same circuit with the old version of IoT counter (the black one), I have no problem with the counts.
- At a fixed interval, regardless of the count.
- the interval of the pulse is not fixed since it will be dependent on the production output. But the pulse width can be fixed since the timer relay can be adjusted.
- Did you set the Input Debounce Time on the sensor?
- No, I only change the Node ID and Delay.
pls see the screen shot…
if you want to use production counter to read relay signal then wiring should be like this
- relay NO – pin 3
- relay com – pin 2
- short pin 1 and 5