Help needed for ultrasound sensors


I’m looking for a sensor to check the condition of the bearings on a machine running at very low speed. I’m talking about the drive bearings of a conveyor running at about 3 RPM.

Someone already told me about ultrasonic sensors for this purpose. But are these ultrasound sensors really capable of seeing problems coming on a bearing running as slowly as 3 RPM?

I’d also like to know if NCD’s ultrasonic sensors can provide the frequency of the ultrasound as well as its power in dB? According to my readings, ultrasonic frequency analysis can be a good analysis tool in addition to signal power in dB.


Yes, ultrasound should work for this application. this one only sends dB level, we are working on a new version which can send time wave form as well. it will be out in couple of months.


Thanks you for the info :slight_smile: