Do I absolutely need USB modem for PH sensor calibration

I am looking into purchasing following sensor.

Industrial IoT Long Range Wireless pH and Temperature Sensor (

On the sheet it says " USB Modem is recommended for Calibration and Sensor Setup"
I have Ethernet modem working with other sensors at the moment. Do I have to use USB or will Ethernet modem do the job?



No, the USB modem is not required. You can use the Ethernet modem to calibration and setup the sensor.

Thanks for the confirmation.

One more question.
" The life span of the pH electrode is around 1 year.
What does this mean? After about a year, need to put a whole new sensor or replace some components of it?


thats a general life span of the probes. You will only need to replace the probe

Can you redirect to me purchase of just the probe? I need to put together estimates for yearly operating cost after sensor has been deployed.
I will be looking for PH probe only.


probe cost is around $170. we dont have it listed on website. we will list it in next few days.