After exploring details I understood Node-RED is the OS or platform which is pre installed in the gateway and we can install it in the local PC also (connected in the LAN) to access the sensor outputs (which are wirelessly connected with the gateway).
Similarly we can install Node -Red in remote PCs also.
How to integrate remote PC (already having internet connectivity) with the gateway (integrated with the sensors and activated with SIM card- cellular network for internet connectivity). Do we need to purchase any services for that (except internet bandwidth) and approx. what charges we may need to pay for that? Please help us understand so that we can proceed in this project.
To send the sensor data from the Gateway you can use protocols such as TCP, UDP, HTTP(S), MQTT, etc. to push the data from the Gateway to the server or remote service. Your remote PC will need to accept data over these protocol. Node-Red also supports direct injections into a variety of database technologies over a secure connection.
There are no services required unless you want to use something like a commercial MQTT broker like HiveMQ.
Thanks for your reply. Suppose location A (with internet connectivity using a cellular network) is having sensors and gateway and location B (with a broadband internet) is having a server and a windows PC. At location B if I install Node-RED in the windows PC. If I configure my gateway at location A to send a data over the internet choosing a specific protocol, I will be able to see real time sensor output at location B. No need to purchase any third party cloud services for that? Please share if there is any video link showing this kind of setup of guide in few steps that how to get this done. Thanks.
Yes, location A will only need sensors and a Gateway.
At location B you wouldn’t necessarily need Node-Red. What you need at location B depends really on what you’re wanting to do with the sensor data. If you install Node-Red on a windows machine at location B then yes the Gateway can send data to it, but you would need to open the firewall rules on your PC and network to allow the incoming connection and configure MQTT to accept the data using the chosen protocol.
If you’re unsure how to do this or want the software to be simple we recommend using an IoT Cloud Service provider like Ubidots and sending your data there for storage and dashboarding. This would allow you to only need to configure devices on location A and be able to access your sensor data from anywhere.