Can't send configuration commands with the python code

Hi, I tried to send configuration codes from modem to sensors with the following code. It always comes up with a timeout exception. Does anyone encounter the same problem?

Here is my code:

from ncd_enterprise import NCDEnterprise
import time

#TODO Change this line to your Serial Port
SERIAL_PORT = "/dev/cu.usbserial-AC626GU1"
BAUD_RATE = 115200

# Error callbacks are only supported for the vibration time series data sets currently
def error_callback(error_data):
    print('Error detected:')

#this function is the callback that I pass into the NCDEnterprise module during
#instantiation. The module uses the Digi XBee module which runs on another thread.
# This particular example tells the modem to change its network ID to 7bcd (configration network ID)
 # and then waits for any broadcast from a sensor in configuration mode so it can alter settings.
def my_custom_callback(sensor_data):
    for prop in sensor_data:
        print(prop + ' ' + str(sensor_data[prop]))

    # ignore any message from a sensor that isn't in Program Mode.
    # The sensor sends a special packet when its in program mode that we if check here  

    # ncdModem.device.set_parameter("ID", bytearray.fromhex(("7bcd")))
    # ncdModem.send_data_to_address(sensor_data['source_address'], bytearray.fromhex('7E0015100000000000000000FFFFFE0000F7050000007CDE9E'))
    if('mode' in sensor_data and sensor_data['mode'] == bytearray(b'PGM')):
        # time.sleep(.5)
        # # set network id (using hex values). 7f0f will be the new network ID of the sensor when it reboots out of config mode.
        # if you have or want multiple sensor networks, this is the value to change.
        # ncdModem.send_data_to_address(sensor_data['source_address'], bytearray.fromhex('f7050000007777'))
        # ncdModem.send_data_to_address(sensor_data['source_address'], bytearray.fromhex('7E00171000000000000000FFFFFFFE0000F70200001B00000005DB'))
        # # set node-id and sleep duration (using hex) (sleep duration determines transmission interval)
        # # a7 will be the node id in hex. a7 = 167 in decimal
        # # 0001a2 will be the sleep duration in seconds 01 = 256 seconds (MSB) a2 = 162 (LSB). Sleep duration in seconds = MSB*256+LSB
        # time.sleep(.5)
        ncdModem.send_data_to_address(sensor_data['source_address'], bytearray.fromhex('F443000000071B5809C4'))
        # ncdModem.send_data_to_address(sensor_data['source_address'], bytearray.fromhex('f702000000a700000a'))
        # time.sleep(.5)
        # WARNING using the below command is recommended only for adanced users it is commented out for your protection
        # if you alter this make sure to change your modem's KY parameter to match the passed key.
        # set encryption key (128-bit). The key below that is being set starts at a7 and goes to 29.
        # you should be sending exactly 32 characters or 16 bytes in hex for this value
        # if you receive errors after setting this value, you will need to do a factory reset.
        # ncdModem.send_data_to_address(sensor_data['source_address'], bytearray.fromhex('f20300000000a701a2a915164785f7160ad7a55a1f29'))
        # below is a command to send the default encryption key.
        # ncdModem.send_data_to_address(sensor_data['source_address'], bytearray.fromhex('f2030000000055aa55aa55aa55aa55aa55aa55aa55aa'))
        # time.sleep(.5)

        # the following command will set the destination address of the sensor's wireless module
        # this command will set the destination address of the wireless module to 0000ffff.
        # this is the reserved broadcast to all devices address.
        # ncdModem.send_data_to_address(sensor_data['source_address'], bytearray.fromhex('F7030000000000ffff'))
        # the following commented out command will set the destination address to a particular module
        # with the lower serial address of 41788fa6
        # ncdModem.send_data_to_address(sensor_data['source_address'], bytearray.fromhex('F70300000041788fa6'))
        # time.sleep(.5)

        # TODO add support for the following:
        # for a full list and breakdown of the packets to send please view the guide at
        # read sleep duration (using decimal values)
        # ncdModem.send_data_to_address(sensor_data['source_address'], bytearray([247, 21, 00, 00, 00]))
        # time.sleep(.5)
        # ncdModem.send_data_to_address(sensor_data['source_address'], bytearray.fromhex('F7160000000d'))
        # ncdModem.send_data_to_address(sensor_data['source_address'], bytearray.fromhex('F70400000003000000'))
        #ncdModem.send_data_to_address(sensor_data['source_address'], bytearray.fromhex('7E00171000000000000000FFFFFFFE0000F70200001B00000005DB'))

# instantiate the NCDEnterprise Object and pass in the Serial Port, Baud Rate,
# and Function/Method object
ncdModem = NCDEnterprise(SERIAL_PORT, BAUD_RATE, my_custom_callback, {'error_handler': error_callback})
# use the digi library objects to change the network id of the ncdModem to the configuration setting 7bcd
# the modem, unlike the sensors, will not overwrite this setting on it's own.
# If you want the modem to return to normal data collection processes it needs to be set to the network ID of the sensors (default: 7fff)

# set the modem's network ID to the configuration network ID
ncdModem.device.set_parameter("ID", bytearray.fromhex(("7bcd")))
# ncdModem.device.set_parameter("ID", bytearray.fromhex(("7f0f")))
# ncdModem.device.set_parameter("ID", bytearray.fromhex(("7ff0")))
# ncdModem.device.set_parameter("ID", bytearray.fromhex(("7fff")))

# time.sleep(.1)
# set the modem's network ID to the default network ID
# ncdModem.device.set_parameter("ID", bytearray.fromhex(("7fff")))

# set the modem's network ID to 7777 to match the setting stored in this example.
# ncdModem.device.set_parameter("ID", bytearray.fromhex(("7777")))

# set the modem's encryption key to the default value for configuration mode.
ncdModem.device.set_parameter("KY", bytearray.fromhex(("55aa55aa55aa55aa55aa55aa55aa55aa")))
# ncdModem.device.set_parameter("KY", bytearray.fromhex(("a701a2a915164785f7160ad7a55a1f29")))

Here is the output:

packet_type power_up
nodeId 0
sensor_type 63
mode bytearray(b'PGM')
source_address 0013A20041E06BB4

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/digi_xbee-1.1.1-py3.11.egg/digi/xbee/", line 325, in run
    self.__execute_user_callbacks(read_packet, remote)
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/digi_xbee-1.1.1-py3.11.egg/digi/xbee/", line 559, in __execute_user_callbacks
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/digi_xbee-1.1.1-py3.11.egg/digi/xbee/", line 56, in __call__
    f(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/zhangjiayi/Desktop/CYBR7902/NCDEnterpise-Python-master/", line 49, in parse
    getattr(self, packet_type)(data[1:], xbee_packet.x64bit_source_addr)
  File "/Users/zhangjiayi/Desktop/CYBR7902/NCDEnterpise-Python-master/", line 173, in power_up
  File "/Users/zhangjiayi/Desktop/CYBR7902/NCDEnterpise-Python-master/", line 39, in my_custom_callback
    ncdModem.send_data_to_address(sensor_data['source_address'], bytearray.fromhex('F443000000071B5809C4'))
  File "/Users/zhangjiayi/Desktop/CYBR7902/NCDEnterpise-Python-master/", line 32, in send_data_to_address
    self.device.send_data(remote_device, data)
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/digi_xbee-1.1.1-py3.11.egg/digi/xbee/", line 1548, in send_data
    return self._send_data_64(remote_xbee_device.get_64bit_addr(), data, transmit_options)
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/digi_xbee-1.1.1-py3.11.egg/digi/xbee/", line 1028, in dec_function
    return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/digi_xbee-1.1.1-py3.11.egg/digi/xbee/", line 1038, in dec_function
    response = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/digi_xbee-1.1.1-py3.11.egg/digi/xbee/", line 1446, in _send_data_64
    return self.send_packet_sync_and_get_response(packet)
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/digi_xbee-1.1.1-py3.11.egg/digi/xbee/", line 2423, in send_packet_sync_and_get_response
    raise TimeoutException("Response not received in the configured timeout.")

We no longer fully support this library, but I think there may have been some changes in how the device responds. Can you try editing the library and replace this line:
self.device.send_data(remote_device, data)

with this line:
self.device.send_data_async(remote_device, data)