Cant connect to PR55-22 via USB

I can connect to it by letting it act as a WiFi AP, and can switch relays on and off through the web page interface, but cant connect to it through the existing in shop WiFi nor through just an USB connection. No COM ports are showing on my system. I am logged in through a temp admin password on a Windows 10 machine. There are still some safeguards in place on the system that prevent me from accessing devices like USB sticks and USB DVD drives.

Install this driver on the computer connected via USB:

To connect over WiFi establish a TCP socket connection to the board’s IP address over port 2101.

Thanks, I was able to get that installed, but I am still not able to get a COM port up for it. I am providing 9V to the 9-15V power input on the relay board. Unless I switch to config mode the green light on the PR55-22 is on for about 4 sec, off quick, back on for .5 sec, off quick, and then repeat.

Have you tried changing configuration in the module through it’s web interface as documented in the user guide here:

Yes. I can access the config web page through the AP mode(NCD_WiFi:NCDBeast).
I tried setting the Wifi to our local network with password and DHCP enabled. No connection through the wireless network, although that is when the light is steady for several seconds then one blink, and repeat.
Tried to use static IP data gleaned from ipconfig on my system but with a different last bit of IP address. No connection.

Try disabling WiFi, then connect to your computer via USB and see if the COM port is created in your device manager.

It sounds like there could be a compatibility issue between the WiFi module and your network. It must be a 2.4ghz network and must be security modes: WPA/WPA2/WPA3/WPA2-Enterprise. If the network requires walled garden(web interface login for network access) that will not work.