Cannot communicate with MCP4725 with smbus or Adafruit_MCP4725 library

looks like everything is working as it should. may be your read DAC value function is not working.
if i were you i will run the dac values from 0 to 4000 and read the output on meter.

My DMM still reads 6.33 when I iterate through.

I changed the lines set_voltage(1024) and time.sleep(DELAY)

i = 0
while i < 4001:
i = i + 1

set the value to 2096 and see if it changes.

The reading the on the DMM did not change. It still reads 6.3 VDC. however, the reading from the dac changed. the data is [192, 48] causing a voltage of 0.02.

i will recommending sending it back for further inspection.


This library is really easy to use. The one you linked to is deprecated.

I have looked at that one but was confused by the “circuit-python” board because I do not have one of those.

It doesn’t matter; as long as the IC is the same, you can use any library for these boards. In fact, if you look inside that library, it ultimately just puts several layers on top of smbus.

Here is how I ultimately used it in my project:

setting normalized_value sets the output to the specified fraction of the maximum, which for this board is 10V.
Proof this works:

My pi won’t even let me install that library. It gives me a TypeError.

@Bhaskar would I be able to get a new one overnight? I have been working on it for over a month.

Are you using Python 3?