Hi, I need to set up the KFX module to send the following RAW (decimal) string when a key fob button is pressed: ‘401863102341675096179874845349121290’
The base station software however only allows me to set up to maximum 9 bytes so I can not enter the entire command string.
Is there a way to set up the base station software to allow entering & sending more bytes?
Thanks for your help!
This product wasn’t designed for this particular application, but the only way to increase the number of bytes sent would be to change the “Do Not Allow Multiple Commands” field to 1. You would then have 4 sets of 9 bytes.
Additionally you may be able to utilize the Release bytes, but they will only go out the serial port when the button is released so you would need to account for that when setting these values.
Hi Jacob,
Thanks for your quick reply. I tried with the “Do Not Allow Multiple Commands” field set to 1 but when I press the ‘set configuration settings’ button I get an ‘incorrect data entry’ error
These are bytes with a maximum value of 0-255 so to send a 771 as a string (assuming ascii encoding) you would need to send a value of 55 in the first field, 55 in the second field, and 49 in the third field etc.
Hi Jacob,
I’m not sure if what I’m trying to do is possible with the KFX
I have a device that I can send serial commands to when it is connected to my pc
ASCII format the command = Measure, stop
HEX format of the command= 4D6561737572652C2073746F700D0A
So now I want to set the KFX to send this command to my device when I press the key fob button (with the KFX and PR35-19 USB Configuration Adapter for NCD connected to my device)
I thought this would be possible with the ‘RAW’ setting but I’m not so sure anymore…
You will need to convert those hex values to decimal values and input them into Base Station. i.e. your first two hex values are 4d and 65 so these would be a decimal value of 77 and 101
I cannot guarantee this will work as its not the primary purpose of these key fobs.