Azure Gateway Configuration

I will be configuring an Azure Wi-Fi Micro Gateway later today for the first time.
I would like to confirm - during Gateway Setup - when entering the IoT Hub Connection String - am I entering the Connection String for the Hub ( Shared access policies - iothubowner) or am I entering the Connection String for a “Gateway” device I create under device management?

One other question - if I have the gateway configured to “Publish To Device Twin” will connected sensors show up in the portal as individual devices once connected?

Apologies for the low-level questions and appreciate your help. We will be implementing quite a few NCD sensors in the near future and I’m trying to get an understanding of the provisioning process required.

You will need to create a device on the IoT hub. Then you will use the connection string for that device.

Sensors will not show up as individual devices. They will appear as sub objects under the Gateway device you create on Azure. As of the development of the Azure Gateway they did not have a Parent Child relationship structure in place so that is why it works in that way.

Thank you,
Travis Elliott