Acceleration History

Hi there,
My acceleration sensor is not sending me any more visual signals on the ‘Acceleration History’ screen despite me shaking the sensor around quite a bit. Exporting the data to Excel shows that only one movement was recorded as well, despite me moving it about for over ten minutes.


An update - the only time data records is immediately after I hit the reset button, which is impractical for the application I want to use the sensor for. Is there a way to record data without hitting reset?

yes, it will send data without hitting reset. we are working on running a test case over here

can you send a picture of the board ?

There is a solder jumper on the board (J1) it needs to be bridged opposite side of the “x” symbol.

Here is the board

everything looks good on the hardware side.
can you check and see if what the impacts limits are set in the config.

if its still not responding we can have a remote session and get you going asap.

Here you are

it will send data only when the impact is bigger than 1.16g.

for testings do this

  1. go to run window
  2. Hit reset
  3. data will show up on the screen
  4. wait for few seconds
  5. shake the sensor box
  6. it will send a new data packet

let me know if if it fails at any point

I tried this cycle a few times, and I’m still not seeing any data.

interrupt duration was set to 0. this will disable the impact detection.