32 Channel Relay Board installed on National Instruments PXi Chassis

Hello, I have installed my NCD relay board to an National Instruments PXI chassis (using a RS485 cable) but when I use the NCD base software, the base software cannot find the relay board. I tried using all the COM ports and the software automatically searches all the baud rates, but the software cannot locate the relay board. Am I forgetting to change something else besides the baudrate and the port?

did you purchase the relay board and RS485 adapter at same time ?

I purchased the relay board along with the RS485 network module at the same time. I purchased the RS485 cable with a DB9 connector from another company.

The RS485 comm modules has two serial interface.

  1. serial interface – baudrate 57600 this interface talks to the relay board
  2. rs485 interface – baudrate 9600
    when we ship we change the baudrates. but looks like it must have reset to default somehow.

in order to make it work the baurate of the relay board needs to be set at 57600. this can be used to set the baudrate

Thank you for your help Bhaskar! I have purchased the USB comm module. Would you have any instructions on how to attach the USB comm board to the relay board and change the baudrate?

it can be done using ncd base station.

I have removed the RS485 module from the relay board and I have attached the USB comm module to the relay board, but now the computer (National Instruments PXI) will not recognize the USB that’s connected to the serial port. I went to the Device Manager to see what was the problem and the drivers are not installed. I clicked on Update Driver and Windows cannot find the drivers. What should I do next?

you will need to install VCP driver

Hello Bhaskar, I have installed the VCP driver. I was able to control the relay board using the USB-micro USB cable, but I’m still having trouble controlling the relay board with the RS485 cable connected to the relay board and the computer. What can I do?

let me know if you have time for a call and we can take a look.

You can call me anytime before 2pm. My number is 214-690-5440