Trying to connect MIRCC8 Push Notification Board to N-Button Software

I’m new to this and learning as I go.

I have a MIRCC8 Push Notification Board connected to ethernet and am trying to get it to talk to the N-Button Pro software running on a PC, but so far have not been successful beyond getting a gray widget to appear on the desktop.

Briefly, I have set up the board using the web interface for a static address of, TCP Server with Local Port of 2101, Remote Host of (the computer running N-Button software), with a Remote Port of 5000. UART info is 115200 N81.

I have the N-Button software set up with a Push Notification device and network address of, TCP Port of 2101, UDP Port of 3333, and TCP Connection is checked. The widget is set up in Bank ID: 1 and Channel ID: 1

I understand the gray widget signifies the two devices are not talking to each other, so I’m at a loss of where to go from here.


Unfortunately we cannot provide technical support for N-Button software. It was developed by I would recommend reaching out to them directly for support and technical questions.

Thank you,