Proxr board induction problem

Hello, I am using your 20a 16 channel proxr board to to control various devices at 120v. Quickly realized that even a 6w solenoid requires induction suppression. One ice cube relay continues to “freeze” the board and have unreliable operation despite installing a suppression cap. As it was controlling a 480v load I figured I would isolate that relay with yet another relay. It still continues to cause erratic behavior. I put a suppression cap on the incoming hot-common to the relay as a troubleshooting measure.

Are these just not capable of handling this setup? A possibility is to setup low voltage relays on an isolated power supply to control the 120v loads but would need assurance of success as this would be time consuming.

Induction can be severe at these voltages, high voltages tend to creep all over the board and it gets pretty unreliable. The best solution here is to use a solid state relay controller for the logic side connected to high power relays and contactors designed to handle the high voltages. Hope this helps.

Is the solid state relay controller in place of your board or an isolation step? I have already isolated the 480 with a further 120 v relay. Can you recommend a product for illustrative purposes?

While we are on the subject, is there a reason in the induction video that the neutral is switched rather than the hot?

Our solid state controller serves to both isolate and control an external relay. Either the neutral or the hot side may be controlled, the video is just for illustrative purposes, so you can wire it according to your preference.

Is the solid state controller you’re referring to ie:PR60-107_ZADR1620PROX ? That is the product I’m using and having problems with.

PR60-107 is a mechanical relay controller, our solid state relay controllers can be found here: