Pro XR Lite - no response again

PR60-1_R85PL Pro XR Lite 8 relay board
PR55-22 Wifi module
Installed Feb 2024

This is now 4th time it happened.
see April 2024 post " RESOLVED REASON UNKNOWN- WiFi Pro XR Lite now not responding"

  • 3 boards installed within 15’ of each other. Other 2 (plus a further one) are ok
  • previous times failed one resumed operation in about a day, this time failed now for 2 days
  • this one responds to ping with good response times
  • Ubiquiti AP says it’s connected. We “reconnected” this device, then restarted the AP. Still fail
  • NCD base finds it & presents “control panels supported…”. But double click on ‘relay control command set’, no response, it hangs
  • == ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE (other boards respond ok)
  • thus: wifi module is ok; main board not responding

These units are on a customer roof, requiring special permission to access. Customer is 1.5 hours from nearest office. Haven’t yet been able to request a power cycle, poor reflection on our reputation if we need to.

  • Is there any possible remote reboot command direct to the wifi module?
  • Is there or can you add a timed reboot to the board, e.g. once a day?

We are expecting to use these & I2C boards at a new building which will have high visibility - what can we do to ensure this doesn’t happen there?


The ProXR Lite firmware has been stable for many years now. It was released around 2010. We are not aware of any “bugs” in the firmware which would cause it to become unresponsive or to “lock up”.

The only thing I can think of is a power supply issue where the board would brown out due to low voltage supply, this could cause the 3.3VDC powered WiFi module to remain powered while the 5VDC powered ProXR CPU could become unresponsive due to low power supply voltage. This is of course simply an assumption given the information provided. I would be curious to know if the device regained power after a power cycle which could be accomplished by flipping the breaker supplying voltage to the 120VAC circuit powering the board(might be simpler than physical access to the board on the roof).

Thank you,
Travis Elliott

Thanks for the helpful response, as always.
We’ll be on site tomorrow, indeed planned to flip the breaker (unobtrusively to customer). If that doesn’t do it, will crawl up to the roof & measure voltage etc.
Interesting, just realized it’s same one did this last September.
The other 3 devices, installed same, have been reliable.
FYI, we are using this to step down HVAC 24VAC to your 12VDC. So it’s in the chain of suspicion as well.

Yes, a simple power cycle of the RTU, which cycled the 24VAC transformer supplying the Pro XR, brought it back ASAP. We did not go onto the roof to measure exact voltages per your comment.

Again, 2 other same RTUs within 10’ of this RTU, with exactly the same NCD configuration, were ok. Of course the 24VAC to 12VDC converter could have glitched, we’ll never know.

This simply has to be an FYI to you that somehow the main board failed while the wifi module continued operating correctly.

Marking this resolved

If it happens again in the future please let us know. We would probably need the 24VAC to 12VDC converter in hand to do proper testing however.

Thank you,