Potential Issues with AWS Gateway Setup


I am using a AWS Micro Gateway to collect vibration data from a 2-channel vibration sensor. It had been a while since I used it so I tried to reconfigure the gateway to ensure it is connecting to the hotspot device I have. Ever since I configured it, I have not been able to see any activity from a sensor on my AWS page and the LEDs on the gateway have cycled through solid green, then solid blue, and then flashing blue.

I double checked that the sensor is working with a mega modem and node-red so I think the issue is with Micro gateway. When I configured it, I held down the button for a pretty long time which I feel like could have caused something but I am not familiar enough with the device to know what. Are there any steps I should take to get the gateway back on track?

Thank you,

It sounds like the AWS Gateway is going into setup mode. It will do this if it does not have all required information to connect to WiFi and AWS. I would check the configuration of the gateway.

Thanks Travis, that was the case. Turns out I unintentionally factory reset the gateway and was improperly putting in the information so the gateway never left setup mode. It is now working ok.

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