pH Sensor Battery life is suddenly short


We have been using a pH Sensor via battery-power for almost 2 years now. A few months ago, we noticed battery life has been very bad - on the order of a few weeks. Previous to this, it was able to run for many months without any issue.

We recently replaced the sensor (purchased through NCD, but installed ourselves). Wondering if you have any idea what could be causing this?

No other changes have been made to the sensor, firmware, programming, etc. It continues to be set to 10 min sample intervals.

Here is the data:

is it reading correct data ?
how long the new batteries are lasting?


Yes the data appears to be correct. It calibrates well and the data appears as we would expect it.

Batteries last about 30 days. This is the most recent battery swap using brand new energizer lithium batteries.

It lasted about 2 weeks and then the voltage started dropping fast.

Is the daughter board sitting correctly?
By looking at battery profile looks like it’s constantly consuming few mA. In ideal world it should consume around 50uA.

Any liquid spilled into the board during calibration?

The on board pH circuit is EXTREMELY sensitive.