NCD Sensor connection troubleshooting

We ordered NCD products under twice under below 2 tracking numbers. We received the products in good condition.

· EP988878617US

· 1Z2AR4190498689960

As per the documentation we have done the setup on AWS side. However, we are not able to get sensor data in AWS. Need your assistance to debug.

The set-up we did are :

AWS Gateway - WiFi Micro Gateway for AWS® connected to one IoT Long Range Wireless Vibration And Temperature Sensor. Micro Gateway is having “green” led. We can see the sensor values in the Gateway set-up page


We have created an IAM user with IOT_Full_Access policy. The access key and secret key is setup on the Gateway browser window. The machine - 40F520B7B95C is getting listed on IOT Core > Manage > Things section.

However in the activity section we mostly seeting Listening for 0 minute(s). To receive the messages we are going to MQTT test client and subscribing to the topic things/40F520B7B95C/shadow/update.The screenshot of events as seen in AWS as below


Till now we have not received any message

There is no network control as using the home network for testing.

How do we debug?


We are not able to look up orders by tracking numbers. Can you please provide the online order numbers which these devices were purchased on?