NCD Fusion Relay Webserver


I have some fusion boards with ethernet controller, some with web interface, some withouth. I made a application a time ago using it in windows. Now i’m thinking of something else.
i want to hook up my small Linux Debain 9 computer to the network, and with a web server / interface like the interface of NCD itself . What are the best programs to use for this? If somebody just know the programs to use, i will look up on internet how to use them.

I assume Apache and ???

I want to open webbrower inside my network, type IP Adress in and then control my relais

Thank you very miuch!

I think mostly it will depend on what languages you’re comfortable with. Off the top of my head, Node-Red would be ideal as it was designed around an IoT mentality and you can create dashboards with their GUI. You would need to code a Node. There’s a beta status node for ProXR you can base the node off of: Might give you a starting point.


Great, Thank you! I looked up at the Node-RED, and looks very slik and neat, and fancy! I like it :).
As i really do not have any programming skills, this program should be easy to use, reading reviews.
So let’s give it a try. The dashboard is also very nice. I hope that some day i can read sensors and switch on relais according to sensor readings.

Thank you!