NCD 24 relay with particle electron (and SD card reader?)

Hi Folks, wondering if anyone has a way of using a 24 relay board with a particle electron that also has the capacity to log relay status to an SD card. Currently we have a 24 relay board controlled by a particle electron;

The timestamp log of the relays is uploaded via gsm to a google spreadsheet. As a backup ideally we’d like the timestamp log written to an SD card as well. Anyone know of a device that is compatible with this setup and can write to an SD? I saw the adalogger which is perfect for the job but unsure if compatible given pin configuration or is there an overlay shield which could help? I’ve provided see links for info.

Thanks heaps in advance for any ideas!

I don’t see any way hardware wise to make the Feather adalogger work with the Electron footprint. Have you considered one of Particle’s new Feather footprint cellular modules? You can take a look at it here:

The feather footprint of this module would make it compatible with the adalogger. We also have a feather foot print adapter that will plug into the 24 channel relay controller here:

Essentially the Boron module would plug into the adalogger and that would pug into the relay controller so it would be a stack. To make that work you’ll need “stacking pins” installed in the adalogger which you can take a look at here:

I believe this would all work but honestly I cannot say for sure as I’ve never tried it.

Thanks for all the info Travis