MQTT Temp & Humidity sensor - gone crazy

Hey @TravisE_NCD_Technica ,

A quick question on firmware 1.0.5 update.

Do I need to update both files? Or can I just upload the firmware file only?

Just wanting to know if this is possible as that won’t remove my current settings on the devices and makes remote update easier.


Hey @scott.wells

The only changes were to the Firmware so you do not need to update SPIFFS, just the firmware.

Hi @TravisE_NCD_Technica -

I’ve finished updating all sensors bar one, which gave me a problem on update…

After uploading the SPIFFS the sensor is stuck with a red flashing light. No matter what I do a can’t get it into configuration mode. Straight after reboot (RST button, or power up) it just starts flashing red and the CFG button will not put it in config mode.

Please help thanks


Hi Scott,

I have heard of this happening. It’s never happened to me personally but it sounds like the SPIFFS upload failed which essentially bricked the device. The only alternative is to upload the SPIFFS over USB. ESPTool can be used to do this, however it is not straight forward by any means. If you would like you can send the unit back here and I can update the SPIFFS for you.

Thank you,

Hi @TravisE_NCD_Technica

I will return it to you. Please can you send me the correct return address and any special requirements.


Hi Scott,

Fill out an RMA here and you will receive an email with instructions:

Thank you,
Travis Elliott