Increase the Sampling Rate of temp/pH and Custom Light Sensor


I am interested in increasing the frequency of measurements taken by a select few pH/temp sensors and custom light sensors. How do I do this?


Hi Matthew,

What type of report frequency are you looking for exactly?

Thank you,

Hey Travis,

1 reading per minute is the most frequent reading speed we would need. Ideally it would take 1 reading a minute for 40 mins (or some other specified time length) and then going back to 1 reading every 5-10 minutes.

Any updates about this?

You can set the interval using ndoe red. This device supports OTF.

Do I use the wireless device node for this? I see that I can select the custom light sensor and put in the MAC address for it. Do I need to change the delay from there?
Screenshot 2024-07-11 103349

Hi @matthewmcauliffe300 Yes, you need to activate the “Active: checkbox”, then set in text input box the delay value in seconds (on “Wireless Device” node) , then click on the “Done” button, and then “Deploy” . The next time the sensor sends data, it will automatically configure the new sensor parameters. Try this.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Thanks Eduardo, do I need to attach any other nodes to the wireless device node?

Hi @matthewmcauliffe300 Yes, as option you could connect a “Debug” node to “Wireless Device” output, in order to see the incoming data from this specific sensor.

Thank you,
Eduardo M.

Hey Eduardo, thanks for the help with the light sensor. I noticed that for a pH/temp sensor there is no OTF option, how do I go about increasing the sampling rate for that one?

Hi @matthewmcauliffe300 That’s right, unfortunately this sensor does not yet have the OTF function, but I can share the procedure for performing the adjustment.

  1. Access the properties of the “Wireless Device” node by double-clicking on the node.

  2. You will see the “Edit Wireless Device node” window. You should activate the “Auto Config” and “Wait for Network Formation” checkboxes. You should also activate the “Node ID and Delay” checkbox and enter the desired value in the text box.
    Note: Ensure the “Serial Device” and “Serial Device for Config” have the correct port and baud rate settings.

  3. Once you have done this, click on the ‘Done’ button and then click on the ‘Deploy’ button to save and apply the flow changes.

  4. Now you should press the button located on the left side of the ‘Wireless Gateway’ node to put the Modem/Gateway into configuration mode. Once you have done this, you will see the message ‘Configuring’ just below the ‘Wireless Device’ node.

  5. Once you’ve done this, you need to put the ‘pH Temperature’ sensor into configuration mode. To do this, you’ll need to access the inside of the sensor. Then, press and release the RESET button once (labeled as RST on the enclosure) and then immediately press and hold the configuration button (labeled as CFG on the enclosure) for 5-8 seconds. This will put the sensor into configuration mode. Once this is done, you should see the message ‘Config mode’ just below the ‘Wireless Device’ node in Node-RED.

  6. The configuration process will begin. Upon completion, you will see the results within the debug tab.

  7. You should switch the ‘Wireless Gateway’ node back to Ready mode by pressing the button on the left side of the node again.

  8. Finally, press the reset button on the sensor to return it to RUN/Running mode.

Here is a YouTube video that shows how to configure NCD Enterprise Sensor through Node-RED:

Please take a look and try, let us know if you have any question.
Thank you,
Eduardo M.

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Sorry to revive this thread but I was trying to use the node red on our Enterprise iiot gateway lite to adjust the sampling frequency of some custom light sensors. I set up the nodes the same way as I did with the old edge computer that I used in the past but I got a permission denied error when I tried deploying the flow. I checked the data coming from the light sensors and the frequency was not adjusted

Error: EACCES: permission denied, open ‘/root/certs/client-cert.pem.crt’

Hi @matthewmcauliffe300
It looks like the error message comes from another node (not related with NCD Nodes). I can see you have a node “Onion_Gateway_Certs” maybe in another flow. I have seen similar errors in MQTT nodes or similar.

If you click on “Onion_Gateway_Certs” it will show you from where the node comes this error.

I think you’re using a double extension for your file, a typing error. I think it should be something like:

  • “client-cert.crt”

but I’m just guessing.
let us know if you found the error and if you were able to configure your sensors correctly.
Thank you,
Eduardo M.

I clicked on the node part and this is what it showed. The dropdown for each individual flow was empty except the top one.

Hi @matthewmcauliffe300
This is a configuration node, and it is showing there are two nodes that are using this configuration node. If you click on the right box (number), it shows what nodes are using this configuration.

This configuration node looks like you are using MQTT communication and there are some errors related to your access permissions to access the certificate file.

If you are using MQTT or something similar, maybe you could take a look at the Node-RED forum:

If not, then you can double click on “Onion_Gateway_Certs” node and click on “Delete”.

But this issue is not directly related to the NCD Enterprise Library. I mean this should not affect the NCD Library functionality.

Let us know if you have any question,
Thank you,
Eduardo M.

Is there a way of changing the delay for the custom light sensor using the modem and alpha station or xctu? I can’t seem to get the delay to change using node red on the gateway lite.

We recommend use Node-RED for configuration sensors.

  1. Did you make sure to follow the procedure step by step?
  1. Could you share screenshots of the results after the configurations in the debug window?
  2. During configuration process, did you make sure to put the sensor in configuration mode?
    Thank you,
    Eduardo M.

here is a command to set the interval to 4 sec
7E 00 17 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FE 00 00 F7 02 00 00 01 00 00 00 04 F6

I am trying to configure the custom light sensor so I thought I don’t need to put it in configure mode since it has OTF support. Did this change?

Also I remoted into a different location and attempted to change the frequency of a custom light sensor that I have successfully changed in the past and I got the same permissions error as I’m getting with the new gateway.

Here is the flow I am using:
flows (1).json (14.9 KB)

I have ‘wait for network formation’ enabled.

That is correct, my bad, the Custom Light Sensor support OTF, you do not need to put it in configuration mode.

Try using the command to set the interval: