Calculate Temperature and Current for Sensor Type 82

We are using Industrial IoT Wireless Predictive Maintenance Sensor V3 and notice the following formula for temperature and current in the Sensor Type 82 Transmission Structure RAW Mode table:

Temp in C = MSB1<<24+MSB<<16+LSB1<<8+LSB/100

Current in Amp = MSB1<<24+MSB<<16+LSB1<<8+LSB/1000

What does the << represent?

its a 32bit value.
its bit shift

Sorry, can you show example for below?

What is Temp in C for the following values?

MSB1 = 0
MSB = 0
LSB1 = 8
LSB = 108

temp = 8*256+108
temp = 2048+108
temp = 2156
temp = 2156/100 ( we will divide by 100 to convert into C)
temp = 21.56

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