1-Channel DC Current Monitor I2C Mini Module

I am using the 1-Channel DC Current Monitor I2C Mini Module, The code below shows my algorithm to convert the data returned to the actual voltage returned by the A2D chip on the board. Is this code correct?

int msb, lsb;

short int lnbResult = wiringPiI2CReadReg16 (( lnbNumber == 1 ? lnb1 : ( lnbNumber == 2 ? lnb2 : lnb3 ) ), 0x00);

if ( lnbResult > 0 )
msb = lnbResult & 0xFF;
lsb = lnbResult >> 8;

 int rawADC = msb * 256 + lsb;
 rawADC = rawADC & 0x0FFF;
 double volt = rawADC * 5.0 / 4096.0;

return volt;



the adc output is 12bit so i beleive
msb = lnbResult & 0xFF;
lsb = lnbResult >>8;

should be this
msb = lnbResult & 0x0F;
lsb = lnbResult;

this lib might be helpful as well
